
Neuropathy is experienced by nearly 20 million Americans.

With pain, numbness, and burning - it can be debilitating and life-changing.

Neuropathy Pain Relief in Sienna, TX

Neuropathy refers to a condition characterized by damage or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves, which are responsible for transmitting signals between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the rest of the body. Neuropathy is caused by conditions including diabetes, infections, traumatic injuries, autoimmune diseases, and exposure to certain toxins. As a consequence of nerve damage, individuals with neuropathy often experience a range of symptoms such as pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the affected areas.

Neuropathy can significantly impact a person's quality of life, affecting mobility and daily activities. Neuropathy is more than painful - it's also stressful, bothersome, and all-encompassing. It causes both men and women to become reclusive, depressed, and unable to enjoy life. If you're suffering from neuropathy, you might feel like all hope is lost. But the team at Texas Nerve and Spine are here to help.

Neuropathy relief in Sienna, TX, is more achievable than you might think, and it doesn't need to involve harmful surgeries or addictive pain medications.

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The Texas Nerve and Spine Difference


At our nerve and spine clinic in Sienna, TX, we have a simple philosophy: Treat every patient the same way that you would treat your parent, spouse, or child if they were patients at Texas Nerve and Spine. As a family-owned and operated institution, that's just the way we do business. While some spine and nerve pain clinics focus solely on monetary transactions and ROI, we prefer to put our patients' needs first before anything else. And that, in a nutshell, is what sets Texas Nerve and Spine apart from all the others.

We supplement our patient-first philosophy with innovative neuropathy therapies. Our therapies restore our patients' health while correcting the underlying causes of their nerve issues without relying on damaging pharmaceutical drugs or expensive, invasive surgeries.

It all starts with our unique Brain to Body system - a cutting-edge approach developed specifically for people with chronic pain and nerve diseases. This system helps treat patients suffering from a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Sports Injuries
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Sciatica
  • Scoliosis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Post-Surgical Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Problems with Balance
  • Vertigo
  • Herniated Discs
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Extremity Tingling and Numbness
  • Migraines

If you're in search of lasting relief and world-class therapies for neuropathy, our team is here to serve you.

How the Brain to Body System Provides Neuropathy Relief in Sienna, TX

To reverse neuropathy, areas of the body that have become weak due to disease or injury must be restrengthened. This encompasses your brain, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, and cells. Our experts at Texas Nerve and Spine developed the most advanced chronic pain and neuropathy therapy system to do all of this and more, and we call it the Brain to Body System.

From chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and extremity numbness to diabetic neuropathy and sciatica, our Brain to Body System helps restore your health and corrects the causes of your problems. Unlike treatments from other nerve and spine clinics, our system provides long-term relief without relying on invasive surgeries or dangerously addictive pharmaceutical medications.

To understand how our Brain to Body System solves chronic pain and similar conditions like nerve disease, you need a basic knowledge of the conditions themselves. That way, you can understand why so many who suffer from them rarely improve.

Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX
Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX


Neuropathy is nerve damage that causes pain, numbness, and burning in the extremities. This is a type of condition that does not get better on its own and it doesn't alleviate after the use of traditional medical treatments or prescription pain meds.

Pain from neuropathy causes a domino effect; it starts with inflammation, leading to decreased blood supply. This reduction in blood supply results in a lack of oxygen. When your body doesn't get enough oxygen, it loses crucial nutrients that your body needs. This progressive effect often leads to long-term problems such as:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Motor-Function Loss
  • Loss of Sensation
  • Muscular Atrophy
  • Loss of Movement
  • Depression

But with our Brain to Body Strengthening System, patients suffering from neuropathy build strength through rehabilitation. This advanced system helps:

  • Stimulate New Nerve Pathways
  • Strengthen and Grow Muscles
  • Promote Cellular Repair
  • Improve Circulation and Blood Flow

Our Brain to Body System is central to our approach to neuropathy relief in Sienna, TX. By following our system, we can provide several services to patients suffering from neuropathy.


EWOT: Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

Breathing in higher levels of oxygen helps to improve your health. Exercise with Oxygen Therapy is a technique that increases oxygen circulation at a more rapid pace than oxygen therapy alone.

How Does EWOT Work?

At Texas Nerve and Spine, our doctors use the NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainer. This specialized machine trains your muscles, brain, and nerves to work together, which supports your body's whole healing processes. While using the NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainer, patients are hooked up to an oxygen generator to enjoy the benefits of EWOT and reach their neuropathy relief goals.

When you oxygenate your blood with EWOT, it can have amazing benefits that can:

  • Restore Blood Flow
  • Improve Oxygen Circulation
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Boost Energy
  • Increase Strength
Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX

Flexion/Distraction Therapy

Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX

Many patients who visit Texas Nerve and Spine are suffering from neuropathy, due to spinal issues. This requires specialized kind of care from highly trained doctors. If you're in search of a safe, gentle, controlled treatment for nerve and spinal pain, Flexion Distraction therapy may be for you.

How Does Flexion/Distraction Therapy Work?

Finding relief for this type of condition and pain is often easier said than done. Fortunately, relief is right around the corner at Texas Nerve and Spine. Our Flexion/Distraction Table stretches the spine safely and gently, allowing injured tissue and damaged discs the chance to heal and become hydrated, which lets the affected area recover more effectively and efficiently, while taking the pressure off the nerves that cause the neuropathy.

Patients looking for neuropathy relief in Sienna, TX choose Flexion/Distraction therapy because it:

  • Reduces Spinal Pain
  • Fosters Healing in Damaged Discs
  • Removes Pressure on Spinal Nerves
  • Is Non-Invasive
  • Is Cost-Effective
  • Does Not Require Downtime
  • Has No Risk of Infection
  • Provides Quicker, Easier Healing

Laser Therapy

With more than 20 million people in the U.S. suffering from neuropathy, it makes sense that most of them want a solution that does not require pain medication or invasive surgery. That's where laser therapy from Texas Nerve and Spine comes into play. Laser therapy has been used for therapeutic purposes in medical environments for years. In fact, it is FDA-approved and backed by more than 2,500 research studies, which have demonstrated its efficacy in neuropathy relief in Sienna, TX.

How Does Laser Therapy Work?

Though laser therapy is a common treatment option, not all lasers are the same. Our Class IV laser therapy, used in all applicable programs, is the most efficacious and powerful laser available for tissue healing and regeneration and healing. Class IV lasers use photobiomodulation, which provides excellent results for Musculoskeletal disorders. This process has also been proven to help with other various conditions that cause chronic pain, such as sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, low back pain, shoulder pain, and much more.

Our chronic pain patients choose laser therapy from Texas Nerve and Spine because it:

  • Provides Significant Relief Without Pain or Side Effects
  • Cost-Effective
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Boost Blood Flow
  • Accelerate Tissue Repair
Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX
Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX

Motor Function Re-Training Therapy

When your motor functions are limited or non-existent from neuropathy, it can ruin your life. You lose the ability to be independent - one of the hallmarks of being human. Fortunately, with Motor Function Retraining Therapy at Texas Nerve and Spine, patients suffering from neuropathy related motor function issues have a light at the end of the tunnel. This type of specialized physical therapy helps people recover from neuropathy that leaves their motor functions lacking. The goal of Motor Function Retraining Therapy is to regain coordination and strength.

Motor Function Retraining Therapy is a crucial part of the motor function rehabilitation process because it helps patients regain the independence they lost. It helps patients return to their original level of motor function or better.

Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX
Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX

How Does Motor Function Re-Training Work?

Based on our Brain to Body Strengthening System, our experts design custom exercise programs based on the patient's needs. We may also use electrical stimulation and other modalities for more effective sessions and recovery.

Motor Function Retraining Therapy provides many benefits, including:

  • Improved Flexibility
  • More Strength
  • Increased Range of Motion
  • Re-Claim Independence
  • More Independence
Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX

Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial Release Therapy gives patients neuropathy relief in Sienna, TX, and boosts mobility by loosening tight muscles. There are similarities to traditional massages, however, Myofascial Release Therapy focuses on soft tissues and the muscular system in your body to relieve tension and stress on muscles.

How Does Myofascial Release Therapy Work?

Tight muscles have reduced blood flow and less oxygen, leading to restricted movement and intense pain. Our system uses state-of-the-art technology to apply acute, high-velocity vibration directly to the affected tissue to provide the patient with the environment necessary to increase mobility and reduce pain.

Benefits of this type of therapy include:

  • Improved Tissue Recovery
  • Reduced Soreness
  • Improved Range of Motion
  • Increases Blood Flow
  • Better Neuromuscular Efficiency

Neuro Impulse Therapy

When the nerves are weakened, due to neuropathy, pain develops, inflammation increases, and blood flow decreases. If you're searching for a safe, effective way to deal with painful spine related nerve issues Neuro Impulse Therapy may be a great option for neuropathy relief in Sienna, TX. Unlike common chiropractic therapies, this advanced therapy does not involve any "cracking" or significant adjustments.

How Does Neuro Activation Wall Therapy Work?

Any type of injury can cause dysfunction and weakness in your brain. To improve cognition and the neurological connection between the brain, the muscles, and the nerves, some injured patients choose to undergo Interactive Neurocognitive Therapy using our Neuro Activation Wall. This wall retains, strengthens, and restores proper function to the brain and nervous system without relying on medications or invasive therapies.

Neuro Impulse Therapy works by using very specific impulses directed at the area causing pain. These targeted impulses send a signal to your body so that it can begin healing and repairing your body naturally.

Texas Nerve and Spine patients choose Neuro Impulse Therapy because it:

  • Improves Cognition
  • Strengthens Damaged Nerves
  • Boosts Balance and Mobility
  • Is Non-Invasive
  • Does Not Require Addictive Medicines
  • Does Not Require Recovery Time
  • Does Not Present Any Risk of Infection
Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX

Peripheral Neuropathy Rehabilitation

Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX

Peripheral neuropathy occurs when there is a lack of blood flow to the nerves in areas like your feet and hands. When these nerves are devoid of blood, they begin to decay and degenerate because they don't have enough oxygen or nutrients. Eventually, the nerves in your body shrivel up, causing pain, numbness, balance problems, and other painful symptoms.

How Does Peripheral Neuropathy Rehabilitation Work?

Our Brain to Body program works wonders for neuropathy issues like these by using state-of-the-art technology like laser therapy and personalized, strategic plans of action created around our patient's needs. If you're looking for both short and long-term pain relief from peripheral neuropathy, this could be the solution you need.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal conditions that cause neuropathy range in severity from bearable to crippling. To get to the bottom of your spine conditions, our team uses X-Rays to pinpoint the location of your spine's disease. From there, we craft a custom rehabilitation program that addresses the underlying causes of your pain and neuropathy.

Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX
Neuropathy Pain Relief Treatments Sienna, TX

How Does Spinal Decompression Therapy Work?

Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine. When the spine is stretched, it changes its position. This change relieves pressure off the discs in your spine, which act as cushions in your back. By creating negative pressure, herniated and bulging discs retract, giving the nerves and structures in your back relief. This relief sends nutrient-rich fluids and oxygen to the discs so they can heal properly.

Your Path to Neuropathy Relief Starts at Texas Nerve and Spine

Neuropathy can be debilitating. But it doesn't have to be permanent. Your journey to a neuropathy-free life starts with a simple four-step process at Texas Nerve and Spine:


Identify the Root Cause of Your Neuropathy

At Texas Nerve and Spine, our doctors understand that true neuropathy relief in Sienna, TX, won't happen until we can uncover its underlying cause(s). Our specialists will perform detailed exams and review your medical history to understand the full scope of your condition.


Develop a Plan for Healing

Once we have discovered the underlying reasons for your neuropathy, it's time to begin healing. Our team will work together to craft a personalized treatment plan to provide long-term relief for your neuropathy.


Provide a Plan of Care

Our team has the experience and resources to provide you with your plan of care. This plan will be based on your needs and our Brain to Body Strengthening System, giving you the relief you deserve - naturally.


Continued Support

Neuropathy relief cannot be accomplished without a tested system and a purpose-driven team that supports your recovery. That's why our expert staff will assess your journey to recovery and be there for support every step of the way. Because when you are a patient at Texas Nerve and Spine, you're never alone.

Latest News in Sienna, TX

Missouri City adopts new water, sewer fees for Sienna Municipal Utility District No. 2

Missouri City City Council adopted new water and sewer service fees for the recently annexed Sienna Municipal Utility District No. 2 during an Oct. 2 meeting....

Missouri City City Council adopted new water and sewer service fees for the recently annexed Sienna Municipal Utility District No. 2 during an Oct. 2 meeting.

The gist

Council voted unanimously to adopt the water and wastewater services fee schedule for Sienna Municipal Utility District No. 2. According to meeting documents, the new fees include:

Updating the fee schedule will allow Missouri City to “better support department funding” and “set realistic expectations for cost recovery,” according to meeting documents.

The new fee schedule is effective starting Nov. 1.

In case you missed it

On Sept. 5, Missouri City council opted—in a 5-2 vote—to annex Sienna Municipal Utility District No. 2, as previously reported by Community Impact. The action adds about 6,000 residents and 1,600 homes to the city, expanding its boundaries.

Tax revenue from the district will be received beginning Oct. 1, 2024.

Residents can determine which MUD their home is part of on the Fort Bend Central Appraisal District website.

Joe Edwards contributed to this report.

Education Reporter

Emily joined Community Impact in August 2021 and is an education reporter for the northern Greater Houston area. Previously, Emily worked for a small-town newspaper in El Campo, Texas, for two years. Before that, she interned and freelanced for the Houston Chronicle and worked as a freelance photographer and writer in the Houston area. A controversial fact about Emily is that she prefers sugar cookies over chocolate chip cookies. She graduated with a print journalism degree from the University of Houston in 2018.

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Life Time Announces Summer 2023 Opening of Life Time Sienna in Missouri City; Preview Center Open

Memberships now available for 124,000-square-foot athletic country club, Life Time's 12th location in the Houston marketMISSOURI CITY, Texas, June 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Life Time (NYSE: ...

Memberships now available for 124,000-square-foot athletic country club, Life Time's 12th location in the Houston market

MISSOURI CITY, Texas, June 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Life Time (NYSE: LTH), the nation's premier healthy lifestyle brand, today announced the late-summer opening of Life Time Sienna, its 30th destination in Texas. A preview center is now open at 8421 Hwy. 6 suite #400 for prospective members to learn more and be among the first to join the highly anticipated club. With an outdoor beach club, leisure pools, an expansive workout floor, six dedicated studio spaces and much more, Life Time Sienna will have no shortage of spaces for members to live their healthy, happy life.

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Life Time Sienna now has Founders' Memberships available for the club that will be in Missouri City.

A membership at Life Time Sienna will include:

Life Time team members will serve members from nine months to 90+ years throughout the club, which features an abundance of health and wellness activities starting with its Kids Academy up through specialized ARORA programming for active agers.

"We are very excited to open Life Time Sienna and provide our members of all ages everything they need to prioritize their health," says Heidi Jo Medina, General Manager at Life Time Sienna. "Many of the residents in this area are fitness-focused and we can't wait to offer them an elevated experience."

The Preview Center is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those who sign up can have immediate access to Life Time Sienna as a pre-opening offering, or a digital membership.

For more information on features and amenities, visit Life Time Sienna, or call 866-770-1546. Additionally, follow along at LifeTime.Life on Facebook and Instagram and join our online Life Time Sienna Facebook community.

Life Time has steadily been expanding its presence in Texas and most recently opened its McKinney at Craig Ranch location in late 2022. After Life Time Sienna, the company will continue growing its Texas footprint with the planned late 2023 opening of Life Time Shenandoah.

About Life Time, Inc.Life Time (NYSE: LTH) empowers people to live healthy, happy lives through its portfolio of more than 160 athletic country clubs across the United States and Canada. The Company's healthy way of life communities and ecosystem address all aspects of healthy living, healthy aging and healthy entertainment for people 90 days to 90+ years old. Supported by a team of more than 34,000 dedicated professionals, Life Time is committed to providing the best programs and experiences through its clubs, iconic athletic events and comprehensive digital platform.

SOURCE Life Time, Inc.

A Building Where Enslaved People Made Sugar Marks A Neighborhood’s Antebellum Past

The upscale, master-planned community of Sienna, southwest of Houston, features a rather large, unmarked building that provides a hint at the area’s antebellum past. Until recently, the community was known as Sienna Plantation.The building is possibly the last of some 1,500 similar brick structures t...

The upscale, master-planned community of Sienna, southwest of Houston, features a rather large, unmarked building that provides a hint at the area’s antebellum past. Until recently, the community was known as Sienna Plantation.

The building is possibly the last of some 1,500 similar brick structures that were once scattered across the U.S. Sitting idle beside the modern homes of the development, the building could represent an opportunity for historians to explore the darker moments of Texas history. But the landowners are resistant to allowing historians to study it.

Lisa Gray, acting op-ed editor for The Houston Chronicle’s, has written about this building and what it means for Texas history. Gray says the building served as a sugar purgery – where sugarcane was crushed into a gritty, molasses-y substance, put into barrels and drained, leaving only sugar behind. In the pre-Civil War South, most of the work was performed by enslaved people.

“It was impossible to grow sugar before the Civil War without slaves and this particular plantation, Arcola, was one of the largest slave plantations in the state,” Gray says. “There were more than 200 slaves there, the owner sometimes claimed 500.”

Johnathan Dawson Waters, the owner of this sugar plantation, was the third-largest slaveholder in the state. Gray says he came to Texas to get rich. He started growing cotton but switched to sugar and became one of the richest men in Texas and a major supporter of the Confederacy during the Civil War.

Joanna Ryan, a Louisiana archaeologist who studies antebellum sugar plantations, recognized the Sienna building’s specialized floor through photos posted by a Fort Bend history buff who labeled it a sugar barn. Gray says although the building holds historical significance, it is not protected in any way. The development’s management wrote in a statement to Gray that they plan to keep the building as it is until it is acquired by another owner.

“It’s this remnant of a past that we don’t talk much about in Texas,” Gray says. “This part of Texas was very much the Old South and sugar was the cruelest crop in all of plantation history. Other kinds of plantations had more births than deaths among slaves, but sugar had more deaths than births. This is a reminder that Texas was not really just a frontier, western state, we were the old South. This blood is still on our hands.”

Gray says while it’s possible a government entity could step in to provide protection for this building, this very rarely happens in Texas.

“It’s possible, maybe, that there could be some incentives financially to preserve it, or maybe Sienna will recognize it as a selling point, that this history is something that people want to see survive,” Gray says.

Written by Savana Dunning.

Residents in Sienna neighborhood plead for help from HOA with feral hog invasion

MISSOURI CITY – From her cell phone, Teresa Hanna surveyed the battlefield. Her front yard had been toiled by hoof and snout, blown up by an infantry of feral hogs on a mission to grub.“The feral hogs have attacked my yard. Oh my goodness,” Hanna exclaimed in a video she recorded Saturday, the morning she awoke to find the soil and many of the flowers she had planted days earlier had been destroyed by the invasive species.“I came out and all I saw was devastation,” Hanna said in an...

MISSOURI CITY – From her cell phone, Teresa Hanna surveyed the battlefield. Her front yard had been toiled by hoof and snout, blown up by an infantry of feral hogs on a mission to grub.

“The feral hogs have attacked my yard. Oh my goodness,” Hanna exclaimed in a video she recorded Saturday, the morning she awoke to find the soil and many of the flowers she had planted days earlier had been destroyed by the invasive species.

“I came out and all I saw was devastation,” Hanna said in an interview with KPRC 2.

Hanna lives in Sienna where sightings of feral hogs aren’t new -- and neither is the damage they’ve been known to cause.

“My whole yard,” she exclaimed, adding that friends helped her clean up the soil and sod that sprinkled her driveway and sidewalk.

Hanna’s neighbors have had the same problem, as of late, in a community where resistance against the hogs seems to be a battle hymn of repetition.

“The same thing happened to me in 2018,” Hanna said.

This time, Hanna said she wanted a more permanent solution and she wanted Sienna’s HOA to help her develop one.

“When I called the HOA, their response was -- ‘It’s not our responsibility,’” she said.

Hanna said a representative in the community’s front office told her not much could be done because the hogs are wild and invasive.

“It’s private property so you do whatever you can. You can set a trap,” Hanna recounted the conversation.

Feral hog invasions aren’t specific to Sienna, Fort Bend County, or southeast Texas, for that matter.

Sandra Denton is the general manager of Sienna Associations.

Denton said the levees and rivers that wind through Fort Bend County pave a prime path for porkers.

“The hog population seems to be a bit higher this year than we’ve seen in the past,” she said.

Denton said Sienna offers recommendations for residents, but the hogs are wild, invasive, and according to Denton, not within Sienna’s ability to remove.

“We always share that they can treat their yard to get rid of the grubs and there are certain chemicals and treatments available,” Denton said.

Temporary fencing is also an option, Denton said.

Hanna’s neighbor built temporary fencing - a wire perimeter no more than two feet tall. Part of it seems to have been breached with frayed wires seemingly trampled.

Hanna said they’ve been sullied by the sow and they are not strong enough to protect front lawns from the feral hogs, leaving residents pleading a better option.

“The HOA should at least come and talk to me to look at it and see how we can protect not only me, but the rest of the neighbors,” Hanna said.

Copyright 2021 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.

Sienna Plantation climbs to top spot for home building

A range of new home offerings propelled Sienna Plantation to the top position for home starts in the Houston region in 2018.Builders started 594 houses in the Johnson Development community near Texas 6 and Sienna Parkway in Missouri City in 2018, a 66 percent jump over the previous year.“The community has many more different types of home buying options available and new home products than it did in the past,” said Lawrence Dean, regional director in Houston for Metrostudy, a housing consulting firm that compiled th...

A range of new home offerings propelled Sienna Plantation to the top position for home starts in the Houston region in 2018.

Builders started 594 houses in the Johnson Development community near Texas 6 and Sienna Parkway in Missouri City in 2018, a 66 percent jump over the previous year.

“The community has many more different types of home buying options available and new home products than it did in the past,” said Lawrence Dean, regional director in Houston for Metrostudy, a housing consulting firm that compiled the list.

New home options in the 10,800-acre community include luxury townhomes targeting empty nesters as well as smaller, more affordable houses, Dean said. Duplexes by Chesmar Homes in the newly opened Heritage Park neighborhood will lower the price of entry to Sienna Plantation to about $200,000.

On HoustonChronicle.com: Sienna Plantation adds neighborhood planned for 600 homes

Sienna Plantation, which contains 8,200 houses, still has 5,200 lots left to build upon, according to Metrostudy. Amenities include multiple water parks, Sienna Plantation Golf Club and Sienna Stables.

Riverstone, a nearby Johnson Development community which had been the Houston’s region’s most active community since 2014, dropped to No. 9 with 352 starts in 2018. Only about 630 houses remain to be built in the 3,800-acre community, which lies in both Missouri City and Sugar Land and has about 5,700 houses.

Fulshear’s Cross Creek Ranch, the second most active community with 507 home starts last year, was among more than two-thirds of the top 30 communities to experience double-digit gains in starts in 2018.

CHRONICLE 100: Read our complete report on Houston's top companies

On Houston’s north side, starts in both the Harmony (No. 3) and Woodson’s Reserve (No. 23) communities along the Grand Parkway, east of Interstate 45, more than doubled as lower priced houses were added to the mix.

Harmony, a Land Tejas/Johnson Development community at the Grand Parkway and Rayford Road in Spring, expanded its offerings in the popular $200,000 to $300,000 range, Dean said. Woodson’s Reserve, a development of Toll Brothers, added plans by M/I Homes starting under $300,000. Both have benefited from proximity to employment centers such as The Woodlands.

Starts held relatively steady in Bridgeland, No. 4, and Aliana, No. 5.

In northeast Houston, The Groves hit its stride with the opening of another school as well as The Hearth Amenity Center, providing residents a resort-style pool, event pavilion, great lawn, hammocks and creek overlook. The wooded community, which has built 675 homes since opening in 2014, experienced a 30 percent jump to 231 home starts in 2018.

“We like to get our residents outside and have them connect with nature and each other,” said Mike Miller, vice president, Houston at Ashlar Development.

The Groves recently added plans by Chesmar Homes and Highland Homes on 40-foot wide lots, and Perry Homes on 45-foot wide lots.

“It took our beginning pricing at The Groves from the $240,000s now down to the $220,000s,” Miller said.

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