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You Don't Have to Continue Living in Constant Pain!

World Class Therapy Providing You Lasting Relief

Sciatica Webster, TX

World Class Therapy for Chronic Pain and Nerve Disease Proven to Provide Lasting Relief Sciatica and Lower Back Pain Relief in Webster, TX

Lower Back Pain Relief in Webster, TX

As we get older, we all experience the occasional ache or pain. Sometimes it happens after an intense workout session. Other times, we wake up in the morning and have achy knees for no discernable reason. These pains, usually referred to as acute pains, are common and often dissipate.

Sciatica and lower back pain, on the other hand, is a very different beast. It's experienced by 40% of Americans at some point in their lives. Suffering from sciatica and lower back pain can be debilitating and life-altering.

Sciatica and lower back pain are more than just physical - they're also stressful, bothersome, and all-encompassing. They cause normal men and women to become reclusive, depressed, and unable to enjoy life's pleasures. If you're suffering from sciatica or lower back pain, you might feel like all hope is lost. But the doctors and specialists at Texas Nerve and Spine are here to tell you that you do not have to continue to suffer.

In fact, sciatica and lower back pain relief in Webster, TX, is more achievable than you might think, and it doesn't have to involve harmful surgeries or addictive pain medications.

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The Texas Nerve and Spine Difference

At our nerve and spine clinic in Texas, we have a simple philosophy: Treat every patient the same way that you would treat your parent, spouse, or child if they were patients at Texas Nerve and Spine. As a family-owned and operated institution, that's just the way we do business. While some spine and nerve pain clinics focus solely on monetary transactions and ROI, we prefer to put our patients' needs first before anything else. And that, in a nutshell, is what sets Texas Nerve and Spine apart from all the others.

We supplement our patient-first philosophy with innovative sciatica and lower back pain therapies. Our therapies restore our patients' health while correcting the underlying causes of their spine and nerve issues without relying on damaging pharmaceutical drugs or expensive, invasive surgeries.

It all starts with our unique Brain to Body system - a cutting-edge approach developed specifically for people with chronic pain and nerve diseases. This system also helps treat patients suffering from a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Sports Injuries
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Sciatica
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Post-Surgical Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Problems with Balance
  • Vertigo
  • Herniated Discs
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Extremity Tingling and Numbness
  • Migraines

If you're in search of an expert panel of nerve and pain doctors who provide lasting relief and world-class therapies for nerve diseases and chronic pain, our team is here to serve you.

 Lower Back Pain Webster, TX

How the Brain to Body System Provides Sciatica and Lower Back Pain Relief in Webster, TX

To reverse sciatica and lower back pain, the areas that have become weak due to disease or injury must be strengthened. This includes your brain, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, and cells. Our experts here at Texas Nerve and Spine developed the most advanced pain and nerve therapy system to do all of this and more, and we call it the Brain to Body System.

Our Brain to Body System helps restore your health and corrects the causes of your problems. Unlike treatments from other nerve and spine clinics, our system provides long-term relief without relying on invasive surgeries or dangerously addictive pharmaceutical medications.

Sciatica Webster, TX

To understand how our Brain to Body System solves sciatica, lower back pain, and other similar conditions, you need a basic knowledge of the conditions themselves. That way, you can understand why so many who suffer from them rarely improve.

Sciatica and lower back pain can cause a domino effect within your body. It starts with inflammation, which leads to decreased blood supply. This reduced blood supply results in a lack of oxygen. When your body doesn't get enough oxygen, it loses crucial nutrients that your body needs. This progressive effect often leads to more long-term problems.

Stimulate New Nerve Pathways Stimulate New Nerve Pathways
Strengthen and Grow Muscles Strengthen and Grow Muscles
Promotes Cellular Repair Promotes Cellular Repair
 Lower Back Pain Webster, TX Improves Circulation and Blood Flow

Our Brain to Body System is central to our approach to sciatica and lower back pain relief in Webster, TX. By following the Brain to Body system, we can provide several services to patients suffering from sciatica and lower back pain.

Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

Here's a fact you might not know: Breathing in higher levels of oxygen than you normally take in actually helps improve your health. Also called EWOT, exercising with oxygen is a technique that increases oxygen circulation at a much more rapid pace than oxygen therapy alone.

How Does EWOT Work?

At Texas Nerve and Spine, our doctors use the NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainer to help achieve the aforementioned benefits. This specialized machine trains your muscles, brain, and nerves to work together, which supports your body's healing processes. While using the NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainer, patients are hooked up to an oxygen generator to enjoy the benefits of EWOT and reach their sciatica and lower back pain relief goals.

you oxygenate your blood with EWOT, it can have amazing benefits that can:

  • Restore Blood Flow
  • Improve Oxygen Circulation
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Boost Energy 
  • Increase Strength
Sciatica Webster, TX
 Lower Back Pain Webster, TX

Flexion/Distraction Therapy

Many patients who visit Texas Nerve and Spine are suffering from sciatica and lower back pain. They require the right kind of care from highly specialized doctors. If you're in search of a safe, gentle, controlled treatment for sciatica and lower back pain, Flexion Distraction therapy may be for you.

How Does Flexion/Distraction Therapy Work?

Finding relief for sciatica and/or lower back pain is often easier said than done. Fortunately, relief is right around the corner at Texas Nerve and Spine. Our Flexion/Distraction Table stretches the spine safely and gently, allowing injured tissue and damaged discs the chance to heal and become hydrated, which lets the affected area recover more effectively and efficiently.

Patients looking for sciatica and lower back pain relief in Webster, TX choose Flexion Distraction therapy because it: 

  • Significantly Reduces Spinal Pain
  • Fosters Healing in Damaged Discs
  • Removes Pressure on Spinal Nerves
  • Is Non-Invasive 
  • Is Cost-Effective
  • Does Not Require Downtime
  • Has No Risk of Infection
  • Provides Quicker, Easier Healing

Laser Therapy

Millions of adults in America suffer from sciatica and lower back pain, so it makes sense that most of them want a solution that doesn't require pain medication or harmful surgery. That's where laser therapy from Texas Nerve and Spine comes into play. Laser therapy has been used for therapeutic purposes in medical environments for years. In fact, it is FDA-approved and backed by more than 2,500 research studies, which have demonstrated its efficacy in pain relief in Webster, TX.

How Does Laser Therapy Work?

Though laser therapy is a common option, not all lasers are the same. Our Class IV laser therapy, used in all applicable programs, is the most efficacious and powerful laser available for tissue healing and regeneration and healing. Class IV lasers use photobiomodulation, which provides excellent results for sciatica and lower back pain.

Our chronic pain patients choose laser therapy from Texas Nerve and Spine because it:

  • Provides Significant Relief Without Pain or Side Effects
  • Cost-Effective
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Boost Blood Flow
  • Accelerate Tissue Repair
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Motor Function Re-Training Therapy

When your motor functions are limited or non-existent due to sciatica and lower back pain, it can ruin your life. You lose the ability to be independent - one of the hallmarks of being human. Fortunately, with motor function re-training at Texas Nerve and Spine, patients suffering have a light at the end of the tunnel. This type of specialized physical therapy helps people recover from sciatica and lower back pain that leave their motor functions lacking. The goal of motor function re-training is to regain coordination and strength in the areas affecting the patient.

Motor function re-training therapy is a crucial part of the motor function rehabilitation process because it helps patients regain the independence they lost. Perhaps equally important, it also helps them return to their original level of motor function or better.

How Does Motor Function Re-Training Work?

Based on our Brain to Body system, our specialists design custom exercise programs based on our patient's motor function needs. Depending on the type of injury and lack of motor skills associated with it, we may also use electrical stimulation and other modalities for more effective therapy and recovery.

Motor function re-training provides many benefits for affected patients, including:

  • Improved Flexibility
  • More Strength
  • Better Range of Motion
  • Re-Claim Independence
  • Live a Normal Life
 Lower Back Pain Webster, TX

Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial Release therapy gives patients sciatica and lower back pain relief in Webster, TX, and boosts joint mobility by loosening up restricted, tight muscles. Though there are similarities to traditional massages, myofascial release therapy focuses on soft tissues and the muscular system in your body to relieve tension and stress on muscles.

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Sciatica Webster, TX

How Does Myofascial Release Therapy Work?

Restricted muscles have reduced blood flow and less oxygen. When this happens, it leads to limited movement and pain that is often intense. Our program uses state-of-the-art technology to apply acute, high-velocity vibration directly to the affected tissue to provide the patient with the environment necessary to increase mobility which, over time, can exponentially reduce pain.

Benefits of this type of therapy include:

  • Improved Tissue Recovery
  • Reduced Soreness
  • Improved Joint Range of Motion
  • Improved Blood Flow
  • Better Neuromuscular Efficiency

Neuro Activation Wall Therapy

As is the case with any spinal cord injury, the nerves around the spine get weak. When this happens, pain develops, and recovery is halted. Suppose you're searching for a safe, effective way to deal with a painful spine issue like sciatica and lower back pain relief. In that case, neuro impulse therapy is a great chronic nerve pain therapy in City, State. Unlike common chiropractic treatments, this advanced therapy does not involve any "cracking" or significant adjustments.

 Lower Back Pain Webster, TX
Sciatica Webster, TX

How Does Neuro Activation Wall Therapy Work?

Any type of injury can cause dysfunction and weakness in your brain. To improve cognition and the neurological connection between the brain, the muscles, and the nerves, some injured patients choose to undergo interactive neurocognitive therapy using our neuro activation wall. Our neuro activation wall retains, strengthens, and restores proper function to the brain and nervous system without relying on medications or outlandish therapies.

Texas Nerve and Spine patients choose neuro activation wall therapy because it:

  • Improves Cognition
  • Strengthens Nerves That Have Been Damaged
  • Boosts Balance and Mobility
  • Is Non-Invasive
  • Does Not Require Addictive Medicines
  • Does Not Require Recovery Time 
  • Does Not Present Any Risk of Infection

Neuro Impulse Therapy

Suppose you're searching for a safe, effective way to deal with a painful spine issue like sciatica or lower back pain. In that case, neuro impulse therapy is a great pain therapy in City, State. Unlike common chiropractic treatments, this advanced therapy does not involve any "cracking" or significant adjustments.

How Does Neuro Impulse Therapy Work?

Neuro Impulse Therapy works by using very specific impulses directed at the area causing pain. These targeted impulses send a signal to your body so that it can begin healing and repairing your body naturally. Benefits of this therapy include:

  • Re-Training Nerves to Work Again
  • Strengthen Nerves
  • Dramatically Speed Up Injury Recovery
  • Quickly Reduces Pain
 Lower Back Pain Webster, TX
Sciatica Webster, TX

Neuropathy Rehabilitation

Peripheral neuropathy occurs when there is a lack of blood flow to the nerves in areas like your feet and hands. When these nerves are devoid of blood, they begin to decay and degenerate because they don't have enough oxygen or nutrients. Eventually, the nerves in your body shrivel up, causing pain, numbness, balance problems, and other painful symptoms.

How Does Peripheral Neuropathy Rehabilitation Work?

Our Brain to Body program works wonders for neuropathy issues like these by using state-of-the-art technology like laser therapy and personalized, strategic plans of action created around our patient's needs. If you're looking for both short and long-term pain relief from peripheral neuropathy, this could be the solution you need.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal conditions range in severity from barely noticeable to absolutely crippling. To get to the bottom of your spine conditions, our team uses X-Rays to pinpoint the location of your spine's disease. From there, we craft a custom rehabilitation program that addresses the underlying causes of your spine pain. Often, part of that therapy includes spinal decompression.

How Does Spinal Decompression Therapy Work?

Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine. When the spine is stretched, it changes its position. This change relieves pressure off the discs in your spine, which act as cushions in your back. By creating negative pressure, herniated and bulging discs retract, giving the nerves and structures in your back relief. This relief sends nutrient-rich fluids and oxygen to the discs in your back so they can heal properly.

 Lower Back Pain Webster, TX

Your Path to Chronic Pain Recovery Starts at Texas Nerve and Spine

Sciatica and lower back pain can be debilitating. But they do not have to be permanent. Your journey to a pain-free life starts with a simple four-step process at Texas Nerve and Spine:

  • Pain Management
  • Sports Medicine
  • Chiropractic Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Acupuncture
phone-number 832-979-5117

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