Start your path to lasting relief with the most advanced and proven therapies available today!

Spine Specialist in Sugar Land Texas

Texas Nerve and Spine has helped thousands nationwide overcome chronic pain and nerve disease, reclaiming their health and pain-free lives. With decades of expertise, our specialists use the most advanced, proven therapy to restore health and address the root cause—without risky drugs or costly surgeries.

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“We don’t treat your symptoms, we build your health.” ~ Dr. David Martino D.C.

Our Advanced Therapies for Spinal Conditions

Cryotherapy involves applying cryogenically cooled air to specific parts of the body, such as the back, neck, and shoulders. This treatment helps eliminate pain and dramatically speeds up recovery and healing.

Flexion/Distraction safely stretches the spine and allows the damaged or herniated discs and injured tissue to become better hydrated, which allows the affected area to recover more effectively.

SoftWave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses gentle sound waves to stimulate your body’s natural healing. It helps reduce pain, improves blood flow, and repairs damaged tissue. The therapy is safe, doesn’t require surgery or drugs, and works for conditions like joint pain, chronic injuries, and even skin issues like ulcers.

Motor Function Re-training Therapy is a type of physical therapy that helps people recover from injuries or surgery. The goal of motor function re-training therapy is to regain strength and coordination in the affected area.

Our unique system has been developed specifically for chronic pain and nerve disease

Reduce Pain Without Medication

Increase Movement & Mobility

Restore Sensation and Touch

Improve Strength Vitality & Well-Being