4 Important Things to Know About Neuropathy and Chronic Pain

woman dealing with neuropathy and chronic pain in her hand and wrist

4 Important Things to Know About Neuropathy and Chronic Pain

Neuropathy (nerve damage) and Chronic Pain are very common, but they are often mismanaged or mistreated. They are often “treated” with surgery or harsh medications in conventional medicine. Our goal is to educate those dealing with these conditions, find the root cause of their issues, and provide them with therapeutic options to address the root cause without medications or surgery.

1. Medications & Modern Medicine in the US:

US Citizens are overmedicated, and as a country, we are taking far too many medications – all recommended and prescribed by our own doctors. This and pharmaceutical advertising have led to the addiction epidemic attacking our society today. 

The US consumes 75% of all the medications made on the planet. However, we are only 5% of the world’s population. The US also spends the most, coming in at over $3 trillion on medical expenses. You would think because we have the most doctors per patient, the most hospitals, and all this money, we’d have some of the healthiest citizens, but the US doesn’t even make the top 10 list for places with the healthiest people (we’re actually number 37 on the list). 

Yet with all these medications, the statistics of those suffering from Chronic Pain and Neuropathy are higher than ever and continue to rise. 

The most commonly prescribed medications are Neurontin, Gabapentin, Lyrica, and Tramadol. Neurontin, Gabapentin, and Lyrica are anti-seizure medications designed to slow down the brain, so the patient stops feeling the pain signals from nerve damage. Tramadol is a highly addictive narcotic that interrupts the nerve pain signals between the brain and the body. Most people don’t like taking these powerful drugs because they make them feel lethargic,  foggy, and “Zombie-like”. Unfortunately, these medications do nothing to heal the disease; in reality, the damage worsens, and the patient can’t feel it.

2. Symptoms and Causes of Neuropathy & Chronic Pain:

Neuropathy is nerve damage or disease that can occur at any age, but is more prevalent with age. It can develop quickly or overtime. It is usually caused by diabetes/pre-diabetics, poor circulation, toxic exposure (ex: chemotherapy, back/neck issues, post-surgery, autoimmunity, viral or bacterial infections, alcohol abuse, liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid conditions, or different medications. The most common symptoms of Neuropathy include numbness, burning, cramping, sharp electric pains, tingling, balance issues and falls, and disturbed sleep due to pain. Unmanaged nerve damage can lead to amputations.

Chronic pain is persistent and carries on for an extended period, usually longer than 12 weeks, even when on medications. It can affect any part of the body, and the pain may come and go or remain consistent. Generally, chronic pain can stem from an old injury, trauma, or surgery. However, chronic pain can also affect people with different medical conditions due to inflammation or dysfunctional nerves. Symptoms usually include aching, burning/stinging, shooting pain, pressure, stiffness, and throbbing sensations. These symptoms can lead to anxiety, depression, mood changes, fatigue, and trouble sleeping at night. 

3. Options for Your Neuropathy and Chronic Pain

​​Do nothing. Get more drugs to mask the problem. Get referred to a neurologist. Or seek out a professional that specializes in a functional, root-cause approach to Neuropathy and Chronic Pain.

If nothing is done the damage just worsens, which can lead to more problems down the road. As it gets worse, sufferers start sitting a lot more, they start becoming very sedentary, they stop doing the activities that they love to do, and don’t get any exercise to keep their heart healthy. They are staying at home and start getting depressed because they want to be doing things but they can’t. People suffering with Neuropathy that goes unmanaged can develop infections, face amputations, be confined to a wheelchair, and more. 

As we said earlier medications only mask the problem, never actually helping the patient get better. These medications are highly addictive, which can destroy a person’s life.

When you go to a neurologist or pain management doctor,  they will run some tests to  confirm you have neuropathy or chronic pain,  then likely prescribe medications (as listed above) or recommend intense surgery. 

4: The Good News

You don’t “just have to deal with it”. You don’t have to take the harsh medications. You can avoid surgery. 

The National Institute of Health says Peripheral nerves have the ability to regenerate as long as the underlying nerve cell has NOT been killed.” This means that if you wait too late to where the nerve is dead, it can not be helped. The sooner you seek help the better your chances of recovery. 

Here’s where our state of the art rehabilitation program comes in. There are four key steps to feeling better:

  1. Rejuvenate by increasing blood flow
  2. Stimulate the nerves
  3. Activate through therapy
  4. Empower by decreasing inflammation

Our program has been specifically designed to help those suffering from nerve damage and chronic pain. We individually design comprehensive therapeutic programs using proven advanced technology and condition-specific restorative therapy to provide our patients with a true healing environment, not merely provide them with temporary relief of their symptoms. Unlike alternative options, our One-Of-A-Kind rehabilitation system addresses the root cause of the patient’s symptoms, which can more effectively offer long-lasting relief and dramatically improve the patient’s quality of life.

What would life be like if you took the steps to get better? Imagine sleeping through the night, walking with confidence, having your balance, taking trips and doing activities with friends and family, feeling younger, and feeling little to no pain.

Visit with one of our doctors, receive an examination, and discover the best options for you. Normally, the cost of the consultation, evaluation, and written recommendations is $249, but as a bonus to you, we are offering it at the low price of $89! 

If you’re ready to reclaim your health naturally and get back to the things you love, contact our office today at 281-261-7200!